Smash All The Babies

  Read: 1Kings 20:1-21:29, Acts 12:24-13:15, Psalm 137:1-9, Proverbs 17:16 Happy is the one who takes your babies and smashes them against the rocks! (Psalm 137:9) Relate: Before I begin to write any post, I will always spend some time in prayer and then reading that portion of the Bible that is part of the Bibile reading…

Do You Hear What I Hear

(This is part of a series of short stories that belong together. You might want to read Most WonderFul Time first, but it is not necessary. Many of the characters in that one and this short story will continue to pop up over the next couple of weeks.)   The Monday after Thanksgiving, this year…

September 4 – Shame Or Sorrow

If people knew the real me, they would learn that I have a past that is far from reputable, a thought life that is far from wholesome, a tongue that is far from kind, an anger that is far from under control, a pride that refuses to allow this side of me to be exposed, and an apathy that doesn’t care to change things.

A Place Of Safety

I know that what God says is true. He says that “the godly have a refuge when they die.” He says, “you have been fearfully and wonderfully made.” He says, “all things are made through Him [Jesus], without Him nothing is made that has been made.” What God makes is good. What God creates is holy… righteous.

Dare To Hope

I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore,…

I Wish I’d Never Been Born

Why was I laid on my mother’s lap? Why did she nurse me at her breasts? Had I died at birth, I would now be at peace. I would be asleep and at rest. Job 3:12-13 (NLT) Read: Job 1, Job 2, Job 3, I Corinthians 14:1-17, Psalms 37:12-29, Proverbs 21:25-26 Relate: Life is full of suffering. Some understand…

Breaking Through

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever! (Psalm 30:11-12) Read: Ezra 7:1 – 8:20, 1 Corinthians 4:1-21, Psalm 30:1-12, Proverbs…


“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. Remember what I told you: I am going away, but I will come back to you again. If you really loved me, you would be happy…

Jesus Wept

Jesus wept. (John 11:35) Read: Jeremiah 31:15-40, 49:34 – 51:14 Relate: I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been teaching a Sunday School class or children’s church or some other kids function and some smart aleck kid tries to convince me that the verse they were supposed to memorize was John 11:35. It seems that…