When the Light Shows Up (John 1:5)

light vs dark

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
(John 1:5)

Read: Genesis 11:1-14:24, 1 Chronicles 11:24-27

Relate: Good vs Evil. Light vs Darkness. God vs Satan. They two equal and opposite sides forever locked in an eternal struggle for dominance that neither side will ever win. Although it might sometimes seem to tip one way or another, balance ultimately reigns supreme. Some say our responsibility is to determine which side we are on and then make life meaningful by fighting for it. Others say that our internal struggle is simply a mirroring of this cosmic battle. Still others say that the best thing we can do is try to maintain the balance of good and evil in our own life. Too much of either is unhealthy. What do I say? I say that this entire paragraph in one huge steaming pile of male bovine feces.

Good vs Evil? On a cosmic scale, evil is nothing more than a temporary anomaly. It might seem pervasive now, but in view of eternity it is nothing more than a random blip on the radar. God vs Satan? It is a temporary and doomed rebellion. It has as much success as a ten year old spitting in his mother’s face. Not only is he being immediately punished but, soon Daddy’s coming home and that kid will feel the full measure of His wrath. Light vs Dark? It is completely one sided. When have you ever opened a door and darkness flooded into the room from the outside? How about the reverse? Wherever there is light darkness must flee. It must. What is true in physics is also true in metaphysics. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it.

React: So the questions that remain are: 1) How much light am I letting into my life? 2) How much light am I carrying into my world? If there seems to be a war between good and evil in my life, all I need to do is open up the door of my heart. How much of God’s light am I letting in? How many dark rooms have I kept locked and not surrendered over to Him? What about my world? How brightly am I reflecting God’s light in my sphere of influence? How clearly am I letting the light in me shine outward? Ultimately, I cannot change the dark decisions made by others but I can point them to Jesus. There God, the Light, shows up darkness will flee. It must. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it.


God, You are victorious. I know this and I know that I know it but sometimes my heart forgets. Sometimes when I get too caught up in the moments of this life it seems like the darkness, like evil, has so much more power than it does. Sometimes when I have failed again, it seems like sin has a so much stronger pull than it should. In those moments, at those times, I ask that You show up. I ask that You shine ever brighter. Shine brightly in my life that You might shine through my life. 

23 thoughts on “When the Light Shows Up (John 1:5)

  1. Fireflies are beautiful and I sit and watch them with wonder. Searchlights jammed in my face are not quite as appealing. Different lights different meanings.

  2. So many questions to reflect on. Yes there are rooms in my life that are still locked in darkness. When will they experience the Light? I dont know, but you have at least reminded me of their existence. Thank you.

  3. So if light cannot exist in darkness, and visaversa- then how can you ever have too much light, when really to have light- it must be in the absence of darkness? Or, do you mean too much of either- meaning, too much “religion” and the contrast of not enough? Evil is taken for granted thanks to Hollywood, it’s no laughing matter, and I’m unsure about the blip on the radar. Although it’s true that ultimately it won’t hold forever, it is the battle of history, centuries, of great warlords and noble kingsmen. Even in death, when in heaven, the angels are battling for our salvation, protection, and for God’s Kingdom. I used to think darkness must flee when light enters, however after meeting evil, it has astounded me to see it overtake goodness and corrupt all moral virtue worth fighting for. Maybe it’s just here on earth though? I do believe, that all darkness and satan must flee from the Lord, only truth, justice, and charity prevails. (Don’t mind me and my rant).

    • Let’s say the moral history of mankind has been running for thirty thousand years. Yes, that seems like a long time, but from the perspective of eternity? It is a blink of the eye. A hundred million years from now, the only reminder we will have of this temporary rebellion called evil will be the scars that Jesus wears from when He finalized our victory.


    • Since this is a church blog rather than a personal one, I don’t do the awards on here but I really do appreciate the nominations. For anyone else reading this, you really do have to check out Citizen Tom’s work. He really posts some stellar stuff.

  5. BJ, what you said in the following is so true:

    “Good vs Evil? On a cosmic scale, evil is nothing more than a temporary anomaly. It might seem pervasive now, but in view of eternity it is nothing more than a random blip on the radar. God vs Satan? It is a temporary and doomed rebellion. It has as much success as a ten year old spitting in his mother’s face. Not only is he being immediately punished but, soon Daddy’s coming home and that kid will feel the full measure of His wrath. Light vs Dark? It is completely one sided. When have you ever opened a door and darkness flooded into the room from the outside? How about the reverse? Wherever there is light darkness must flee. It must. What is true in physics is also true in metaphysics. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it.”

    That was great! Amen.

  6. Isn’t is amazing that when God creates…the backdrop is darkness [void]. Contrast. It is a mystery. The key is that everything that God creates is good. Satan can’t create anything. Satan is just a busybody [roaring lion] going around trying to mess up the good that God has purposed. It is not the same type of conflict as we view in interpersonal relationships, true. God does not verse anything. He is Sovereign. His love is unfailing. Satan is the contrast of Jesus. Think about that. All things come to pass as God’s word proclaims. From Genesis to Revelation -it stands. He is All in All. God has predestined the fate of Satan in Revelation. Done. And there will be people on earth around to witness the hand of God in fulfilling the prophecies written in Revelation. Think about that. It is a choice that God has given to each and every person to make. As in John 3:16…”For God so loved the world [He created] that He gave His only Son [Jesus Christ], that who [people] ever believes [accepts] in Him [salvation] shall not [fate] perish [with satan] but have ever lasting life [eternity].”

    Remember, God had a angel who worshiped before His throne…his name was “beautiful” [Lucifer]…how easy it is for us to overlook that God created Lucifer to worship Him. Lucifer [Satan] was cursed [evil] when pride [sin] was present in Lucifer. A choice Lucifer made to exalt himself above God. He choose unwisely…as the phrase goes. Satan’s own choice evoked the judgement upon him. [Too late.] Perhaps God uses Satan [curse] as a example to teach us what not to choose? How not to behave like? How not to think? How not to believe? How not to be like Satan…too late for Redemption.

    Bj, you have been consistent in challenging those to search the Truth of God’s word. My prayers are with you, Grace and Peace be upon you. Continue in His Light and watch the miraculous happen! ~Zoey

  7. Pingback: Good, Evil, and Spiritual Growth? | All Christians Should Die at Least Twice

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  9. Love this post! I shared on Shepherding All God’s Creatures blog, a blog about God and animals, I would be honored if you would come check it out! Thanks for this post….love the song, very uplifting. I love the Lord, so grateful that He is the “God of Brilliant Lights!” I like your adds for ASPCA – how do I add appropriate adds to my page, would you be willing to give me some pointers? Thank you – blessings, Kathy

    • I have Word Ads added to m blog. I can’t chose which ones pop up it is based on the viewer’s browsing, but I do get a small return for letting them be there.

  10. “God vs Satan. They two equal and opposite sides…” Um…did you really just claim that Satan (a creation) is equal, in any way, to the God of gods (the creator)? That is so obviously blasphemous. I’m shocked no one else has caught it. The teaching that Satan is equal to the Lord is whats taught in Satanism and the occult world. Who’s side are you truly on?

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