Mere Mortals


When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers- the moon and the stars you set in place- what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. (Psalm 8:3-5 NLT)

Read: 1 Chronicles 9, 1 Chronicles 10, Acts of the Apostles 27:21-44, Psalm 8:1-9, Proverbs 18:23-24

Relate: I recently drove Route 81 through Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York. This is an incredibly beautiful drive. There were many moments that I called out to my children, “Look at how beautiful this is!” My enthusiasm was frequently met with half hearted, mildly engaged responses from my daughters and my niece. My son, on the other hand, would reply with something along the lines of, “Yeah, that is cool, but you should have seen the view from the mountain.” (He just completed an 11 or so mile hike up the tallest mountain in NY state with his grandpa, his uncles, and my uncle and cousin. The image for today’s post is from their hike.)

I am constantly amazed by God’s handiwork. It is mind boggling that the beauty and grandeur I was commenting on was a fraction of what my son had recently experienced. The world is bursting with awe inspiring creation, and we, mere mortals, were placed in the middle of it all.

React: The book of Psalms is filled with songs and prayers of petition and praise. They are a model of mankind’s crying out and reaction to an almighty God. I am personally in a season of praise. Everywhere I look, I am reminded of God’s great love and concern for me. I see his provision, grace, and unfailing love in a very real and present way as I move forward in this next phase in the adventure of living. I am able to see how God has used the hurts, struggles, and triumphs from my past to bring me to where I am right now. I know I will face trials and painful times again, just as I will experience joys and victories again. However, it is a unique time in my life right now because I am able to see the value and purpose of the past in a very clear understanding of God’s plan for this moment in my life. Since this is such a rare experience, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed that the God of the universe has taken such care to demonstrate his unfailing love to this mere mortal.

Wherever we find ourselves in the journey of living, we can rest assured that the God of the universe- the God who created the mountain views, the expanse of the skies, and the depths of the seas- cares for us. He has a magnificent plan for us. Whether you are in a season of praise or petition, there is an awesome and powerful God on your side.


God, I thank you for your care for me. I am amazed by the enormity of who you are and your concern for someone as small as me. Thank you for displaying your love in a tangible way in my life. Thank you for surrounding our lives with beauty and a constant reminder of who you are. I love you, and I praise you. Please help those who struggle to see you in all that you have created and in their own lives. Amen.

7 thoughts on “Mere Mortals

  1. When I really look at all He created, I am constantly reminded of who He is and His love for me. I had a similar sensation while on a cruise and just watching all the water, no land in sight, I was reminded of His Word–thought the mountains be moved to the sea” and I could not see land anywhere, I thought–what an awesome God. Thanks for sharing.

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