October 13 – A Life Worthy



So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. (2 Thessalonians 1:11)

Read: Jeremiah 22:1 – 23:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalm 83:1-18, Proverbs 25:11-14

Relate: I love Frodo. When we first meet him, he’s just this ordinary guy, er… Hobbit. His only real claim to fame is that he is the nephew of that crazy uncle who just won’t die. Suddenly, this young man is thrust into an adventure of heroic proportions. He is given an epic calling where the fate of the world is now resting on his shoulders. Through it all Frodo is still just this ordinary guy. He doesn’t suddenly get superpowers. There is no scientific accident or freak of nature changing him into something more. He doesn’t take two or three weeks of intensive training and suddenly turn into this world renowned fighter. He still struggles with the same doubts and questions just like anybody else would have in his position. He gets hungry and cold and tired just like the rest of us. He faces temptations and struggles that we can all empathize with. But what Frodo doesn’t do… is quit.

He doesn’t believe he is worthy of the calling he faces, but he does ask himself, “if not me, then who?” He doesn’t think he is up to the challenges ahead, but he will give it his best try anyways. The world is saved by an ordinary Hobbit who is willing to live out an extraordinary life.

React: As a Christian, I am one of God’s chosen ones, but that isn’t to my credit. He didn’t chose me just to bless me, but rather that through me that He might bless the world. Am I living a life worthy of God’s calling? God didn’t chose me because I am brilliant. He didn’t chose me because of my incredible good looks. (I won’t deny having either of these, but they are just a bonus) I am not the fastest, or the strongest or the wisest. You could accurately say that from most people’s perspective, I am pretty ordinary. Still God has chosen me. He has called me out. Am I living a life worthy of that calling? Are you? Or are we just kicking back at the Shire hoping someone else will take our place and save the world while everything falls apart around us?


Dear God,
Give me the courage to live an extraordinary life. As a Christian, I am called out for a higher purpose. Give me the courage to live up to what You have called me and equipped me and enabled me and empowered me to be. Help me to understand that living an ordinary life is dishonoring to You. For Your glory, help me to do extraordinary things.

20 thoughts on “October 13 – A Life Worthy

      • We have holidayed in Turkey for a number of years: the Fethiye area – and I can say “thank you” without thinking (along with such helpful phrases as “deli adam” and stuff like that). But the UK keyboards don’t have the little gizmos under and above (so Google translate gives the proper lettering).

        • What always trips me up is the “ı”. My keyboard at home is American but the work ones are all Turkish and I keep typing “ı” when I meant “i”.

  1. I’m a retired United Methodist pastor. Your web-site inspires me to keep going with my writing ministry, which I can pursue over the internet, anywhere, everywhere, anytime. Thank you for your support . Ray Gough, Ray of Hope Ministries (www.rohmnj.wordpress.com)

  2. Personally, what i lack is the courage….may God grant me and all others like me the courage we need to live a life worthy of the “higher calling”
    More graces to you👍

  3. Erm… Frodo totally quits. He chooses to become the evil he has fought the whole time. You know who never quits? Sam. And it’s only because of Sam’s support that Frodo keeps going, a lot of the time.

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